This week was full of emotions, and it's kinda cool considering I had a very flat lifestyle for a while, but damn, I’m so tired! I just want to sleep for a few days and do absolutely nothing. Maybe it’s just the change of seasons or some other weather conditions. I feel heavier and slower than usual.
A few days felt off - I was really annoyed, which is rare for me. Mostly because of work and bureaucracy. I started the year with a strong intention to transition all my work into a legal format, registered an IE, and did all that stuff, but a few months later, it just seems like a huge pain in the ass. Almost like it’s intentionally made to be too complicated and stupid. But we’ll see, maybe I’m just being pessimistic (which is not rare for me).
After a few "bad" days, I’ve noticed that it’s much easier for me to tell if a day is going to be cool or not, like I have some kind of radar. Maybe it’s a generic human feature, but I was much worse at it before. Maybe it’s because I have a lot more free time to think and reflect on stuff. In the end, I just made a very simple conclusion - just go with the flow. If something feels off - fuck it, do something else. Sitting in that mood for five hours fixating on it definitely won’t make it better.
Also, I messed up my digital time restriction this week (just a few days, though). And I noticed a HUGE difference in a lot of things: sleep quality, brain activity, mood in general, etc. I feel much better when I use the computer for less than six hours a day - the difference is tremendous. I hope next week is going to be easier since I have fewer things planned.
Continuing my attempts to draw -things- I bought liners to add some details to my watercolor pencil drawings. And I really liked it! I liked plain sketching even more than watercolor because there’s less chance to fuck everything up. After sketching, I colored them with watercolor pencils and fucked them up anyway, though. But it’s a learning process - at least now I feel that I should use way fewer colors. I think it would be a great exercise to just work with one or two colors and use different amounts of water to create highlights and shadows. Here’s one sketch with colors that looks okay (because I saw a dude on the internet draw it and explain it):
And here are a few sketches without watercolor (aka "before they look like trash"). I’m trying to figure out how to work with one-point and two-point perspective - it’s so captivating! Sketching feels much easier than I thought it would, but I definitely need to practice more. I like these two, though:
I’ve been thinking about the concept of "creative time" recently. I always mention that I love mornings and that it’s my zen time, but I can’t figure out how to do creative tasks during this time. Usually, I try to do as much work as possible after I wake up, before my brain realizes that it needs to do the most boring and nonsensical things to keep me with food. It works fine, but it would be even better if I could spend this time on creative activities. I just can’t shake the feeling that I have a lot of work to do. If I postpone it, then it’s going to be way harder to do anything work-related later.
Also, I’ve been thinking about weeknotes. I feel like I should write more separate posts instead of shoving everything into weeknotes. It just kinda happened automatically this way because I write all my notes during the week into a template and then make a weeknote from it. I think it’s just hard for me to define which ideas are interesting or solid enough to turn into a whole separate post, but I’ll work on it.
NB: I stumbled upon a new open-source music player called Tangara that supports FLAC! Finally!! I’ll definitely keep an eye on it.