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Posted on 2025-01-28 / Tags:
  • Sport : ran 13km (moderate pace)
  • Sleep : stopped drinking cofe, sleep is great
  • Touch typing : 6/7 sessions, great results:
    1. RU - 120min, 32/32 letters, 50 WPM with 95% accuracy
    2. ENG - 120min, 20/26 letters, 40 WPM with 95% accuracy
  • Listened : Ryan Lott - Pentaptych (2019)
  • Watched : Another Earth (2011) by Mike Cahill | 90/100

This week was really busy, so I've delayed this weeknote for a few days. I want to start with an interesting observation: I had been drinking instant coffee for the last couple of years, but around a month ago, I tried drip bag coffee. I've never understood why everybody is so crazy about "real" coffee, but this time it clicked. I drank it without milk or sugar, and it tasted really good! But the funny thing is that I live in a very small city, and if any product becomes popular among my friends and me, it just disappears from the stores. Because of that, I was kind of forced to be on a coffee diet for the whole week (and I don't enjoy the taste of instant coffee anymore) and came to the conclusion that I feel much better without coffee at all. I sleep better, I'm more calm and chill throughout the day, I don't try to do all the tasks in the world, and, as a consequence, I don't stress. I'm a little bit sleepy all the time, but I like that condition, to be honest. So, yeah, no more coffee, apparently.

Also, I've switched back to a standing desk again (my first try was this summer), because my lower back hasn't been feeling good for the last month or so. Nothing serious, but I find standing instead of sitting much more comfortable, though you can't do it all day (maybe that's the reason). I hope to buy an adjustable height frame for my tabletop, so I can change the height depending on the task. That would be the ideal solution because watching movies while standing in the middle of the room is weird and not comfortable at all. I switched a few days ago, and my body feels much better already!

I've been trying to do some fun stuff this week (learning history, English, drawing), but it seems that I have less and less free time every week. For now, I'm removing these categories from the weeknote stats because it's too depressing for me to look at! On the other hand, I'm making a lot of progress workwise. The reason I don't have much time now is that I've decided to make an attempt to create a little business because I'm tired of working for people who know nothing about post-production but take a big cut of my paycheck. I feel like I need an opportunity to make my own decisions and not just do things I've been told to do. I want to have more responsibility, and I want to deliver a much better service than I can while working for someone else. So right now, I need to work two jobs to have money while doing this whole thing in parallel, which, as it turns out, includes a thousand and one tasks! But I really like it; it already feels like I'm doing something right in this life. Anyway, I don't want to talk too much about it because that would take a few more hours than I have. Maybe I'll expand on this in later posts.

Touch typing! Damn, why didn't I do this earlier? It turned out to be MUCH easier and faster than I thought. I've already finished the Russian alphabet, and I have six more letters left in the English alphabet. Of course, I’ll need a lot of practice after I "unlock" all the letters (I'm using Keybr, so that's why I say "unlocking" the letters), but the hard part will basically be done. I want to finish learning the letters before the end of January, so one more week, and then I'll just practice both languages for 10 minutes a day for a while—a month or two. Starting next week, I'll reduce practice time to 15 minutes; I think that will be enough.

Site update: As I mentioned in the previous site update post, I won't change anything drastically in the near future, so I can focus more on the writing itself. Though I had a few small changes I wanted to add, one of them was "previous" and "next" post buttons in the weblog, so I did it. I think it’s a really useful small feature that helps navigate through posts faster.
