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Posted on 2024-07-28 / Tags:

[ youtube jam - download patch ]

This jam was requested by one of the subscribers, so I decided to upload it while re-learning Teletype basics. I’m going to take a break from fixed racks with Audible Instruments for some time because I really want to focus on Teletype and learn different ways to use it as the “brain” of my setups. (It has almost endless potential, but I’m too lazy to figure it out in one go). Funny thing: I’ve been patching only Audible Instruments modules for the last 2-3 months, and I have a strong feeling that I haven’t used even half of their functions. That’s why I love modular synthesis so much, I guess!

In this case, I had one restriction - to use only 5 modules: Marbles, Stages, Plaits, Elements, and Clouds. I made a few patches that were okay, but in the end, I added a mixer module because I really wanted to use Plaits and Elements as separate voices. Also, I’m starting to feel a little bit better with all the different controls and changes while jamming, but it’s still quite chaotic and challenging (I wish I had one more pair of arms and a bigger brain, man!).

Here are some patch notes:

  • The “sequencing” part is almost identical to the previous patch: Marbles creates CV and triggers for both voices and runs the Stages 5-step sequencer.
  • This 5-step sequencer modulates the model of Plaits, which creates those rhythmic noise patterns.
  • A copy of Elements' first output goes to Clouds, which I’m using as a reverb/delay/texture layer.
  • Everything else is basically modulations: each step of the Stages sequence modulates some parameters of Elements and Plaits.

Pretty simple, but I like the mood and timbres! Seems like I’m using similar techniques too often, so I’ll definitely take a little break from Audible Instruments.
