homepage | weblog | theme | updated : Mar 9

Welcome to the weblog! Here, I write blog posts, weeknotes, site updates, and anything else that comes to mind. Important disclaimer: I'm doing this mostly for myself and often not very responsibly. Also, English is my second language. So if you find any mistakes or disagree with something, please let me know via email! I'm always happy to hear different opinions and correct myself if I'm wrong. Also, this weblog has RSS & Atom feeds!

Filter by tags : all : ideas : life : patches : visual : web : weeknotes

    2025-02-24: Site update - more music, less tags - hope it won't break rss
    2025-01-31: Modern web (pt2) - the death of search engines (hopefully temporary)
    2024-08-25: Modern web - some thoughts on the state of modern web