Web places
This page is dedicated to all the amazing websites I found during the development of this site (and those I will find in the future). Some of these inspired me and influenced my own design solutions, and I hope they will inspire you as well! By the way, if you have your own cool small web page, you can write me a letter and I'll add it to this list.
- adam le doux | adamledoux.net | feed - cool pixel-art games! love the photo album
- anders conbere | anders.conbere.org | feed - //just found, will add description later
- anchors | nchrs.xyz | feed - art, photos, bookmarks, notes, articles - amazing site
- ariadne | noisydeadlines.net | feed - great blog about books and productivity
- ava | blog.avas.space | feed - blog about everything, love the posts and web-related info
- bacardi55 | bacardi55.io | feed - love the site layout and design, lots of interesting articles
- bad diode | badd10de.dev | feed - music and programming, lots of useful notes!
- brian crabtree | nnnnnnnn.co | feed - one half of monome, love the log & pictures
- chötrin | chotrin.org | feed - love the blog and philosophy articles
- dan derks | dndrks.com - minimalistic design and lots of sound-related things
- darsh | life.drsh.io | feed - love the blog and photography
- devine lu linvega | xxiivv.com | feed - needs no introduction :)
- dogspit | dogspit.nekoweb.org | feed - love the website design, link section & digital art!
- dostoynikov | dostoynikov.bearblog.dev | feed - love the photo gallery and useful links
- femi | femishonuga.com | feed - experimental audio, tutorials, cool wiki
- glyph | mycelial.technology - beautiful website! love the artworks
- hanemile | emile.space | feed - very cool website, though i don't understand half the words
- hannes | hanki.bearblog.dev | feed - love the short posts, try to do it more too
- hårek andreassen | timharek.no | feed - great blog & blogroll
- ivy | randomivysaur.bearblog.dev | feed - relatable blog, love it
- james | jamesg.blog | feed - useful info about the indie web, also check out artemis
- jedda | notes.jeddacp.com | feed - blog and amazing photography
- jean kapsa | jeankapsa.com | feed - amazing jazz musician who also has a blog!
- justin wong | wonger.dev | feed - one of my first inspirations for my website!
- kay | marblethoughts.bearblog.dev | feed - amazing website, great writing
- marc & andrea | comma.directory | feed - //just found, will add description later
- maxie laine | hypr.moe | feed - love the journal and art
- meadow | meadow.cafe | feed - blog and tools (check out mire, a minimalistic rss reader)
- mei | mei.bearblog.dev | feed - love the sincerity, really relatable blog topics
- mgx | mgx.me | feed - great minimalistic design and blog
- mike grindle | mikegrindle.com | feed - love the blog and pictures
- misha | bowlofmisua.bearblog.dev - great blog!
- monolyt | monolyt.co | feed - //just found, will add description later
- nicola | nonmateria.com | feed - amazing projects! check out these beautiful bookmarks
- nick | digitallynick.bearblog.dev | feed - //just found, will add description later
- paloma kop | palomakop.tv | feed - blog, art, and music
- petra | petrapixel.neocities.org | feed - very cool website, tons of useful info about the web
- ra | opacity.ru - incredible projects and designs, check out "on fui æsthetics"
- rek bell | kokorobot.ca | feed - also needs no introduction :)
- reverie | reverie.bearblog.dev | feed - found not so long ago, reading blog, will update later!
- ryan hoover | ryanhoover.me - love reading the essays
- sam | samsharp.ca | feed - non-tech blog (nice to see one on this list!)
- satyarth | satyarth.me - //just found, will add description later
- sean c. lewis | slewis.wiki - cool digital art and projects
- steph ango | stephango.com | feed - ceo of obsidian, love reading the blog
- steve | lwgrs.bearblog.dev | feed - great blog, often checking out the blogroll
- sylvia | sylvia.bearblog.dev | feed - //just found, will add description later
- tessa | tessajhill.com | feed - love the blog, discovered it through bear recently
- tiramisu | tiramisu.bearblog.dev | feed - blog, check out this cool shelf page!
- trueblue | trueblue.bearblog.dev | feed - great blog, love website design
- veronique | veronique.ink | feed - beautiful zines! love the mix of words and art
- zak | html-chunder.neocities.org | feed - love zak’s weeknotes, respect the consistency!
- bearblog - bearblog discovery feed
- blogroll.org - curated list of personal & independent blogs
- blogroll.club - a home for everyone's blog and post rolls
- bukmark.club - collection of websites with bookmarks
- cosmic.voyage - collaborative science-fiction universe
- geekring - a webring for geeks
- indieblog.page - random posts from personal blogs
- list-me.com - a free website directory
- low tech webring - web 1.0 inspired websites
- meta ring - websites with colophon or meta section
- no ai webring - websites with human-written content
- personalsit.es - a bunch of personal websites
- textonly.website - collection of lightweight personal websites
- the forest - random personal websites
- the midnight pub - virtual pub
- the retronaut webring - more cool web 1.0 stylized websites
- theoldnet webring - cool web 1.0 stylized websites
- website-is-a-room - collection of web rooms
- xxiivv - hand-crafted wikis and portfolios