- musicforprogramming - a series of mixes for focusing
- dirtywave m8 headless - m8 headless setup - guide
- teletype studies - monome teletype guide
- teletype commands - list of all teletype commands
- teletype.pdf - teletype manual
- opinionated guides - a plenty of cool guides
- album of the year - great music search tool
- dither me this - awesome dithering tool
- baseline - free design bootcamp
- laws of ux - best design practices
- search portal - search engine for cc licensed works across multiple platforms
- old book illustrations - self-explanatory
- david rumsey map collection - historical and rare maps
- public domain review - online journal, works from the history of art & literature
- texturetown - a lot of web textures with previews
- grainy gradient playground - create dithered gradients
- hero icons - hand-crafted svg icons for websites
- hero patterns - repeatable svg background patterns for websites
- subtle patterns - seamless backgrounds for websites
- pattern monster - online repeatable svg pattern generator
- color palettes - color palette generator
- color.a11y - color contrast accessibility validator
- paletton - fancy color palette generator
- freepik - a lot of pngs
- giphy - a lot of gifs
- gifcities - archived gifs from geocities
- flaticon - static icons
- lordicon - animated icons
- shotdeck - collection of fully searchable high-definition movie images
- cosmos - pinterest alternative
- - cosmos' branch, but everything is copyright-free
- earth studio - create animations using google earth
- clip cafe - search movie clips
- playphrase - search movie clips by phrase
- - search movie clips by phrase
- - motion graphics templates
- eyecannndy - visual technique library
- tooooools - minimalist and lo-fi effects for image and video
- spacetypegenerator - kinetic type generator
- calligraphr - transform handwriting into a font
- fonts in use - archive of typographic design
- css fonts - a complete collection of web safe css font stacks
- google fonts - free downloadable fonts
- programming fonts - a bunch of programming fonts!
- practical typography - web book by matthew butterick
- keybr - touch typing practice app, love it & recommend it
- entertrained - another touch typing practice app where you type books
- - free, fast, and secure online tools
- earthquake.usgs - seismic monitor
- shade map - simulate shadows for any place on earth
- wikiloc - trails for hiking & cycling
- openstreetmap - online map that uses an open geographic database
- excalidraw - collaborative whiteboard tool
- alternativeto - apps & software alternatives
- johnny.decimal - system to organise your life
- digital-gardeners - digital gardening tools and resources
- gode cookery - a compilation of medieval recipes
- - cocktail recipes
- based cooking - simple online cookbook
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- binnur's turkish cookbook - ottoman & turkish recipes
- korean bapsang - traditional korean dishes
- neocities - free social web hosting
- surge - static (cli) web publishing
- internetingishard - introduction to html & css
- 32-bit cafe - useful info about creating websites
- w3schools - html & css wiki
- brad woods digital garden - creative web coding
- shinobi.btxx - how to make shinobi website
- the odin project - free web development full stack curriculum
- the hitchhiker’s guide - guide to online anonymity
- let's decentralize - alternatives to the standard internet stack
- the website obesity crisis - highly recommended article
- - collection of various web resources
- jonbell - huge list of different web places
- hyperlinked text - directory of plain html websites
- search my site - personal sites search engine
- wiby - great search engine for older style pages
- marginalia search - independent diy search engine
- - create your own favicon!
- dr. link check - test for broken links
- w3c html validator - checks the markup validity of web documents
- hotlinking - why is hotlinking bad?
- low tech magazine - high-tech problems & low-tech solution
- energypedia - renewable energy and energy efficiency
- off grid guide - off grid guide by acorn land labs
- damaged earth catalog - computing practices
- appropedia - ideas and solutions for a better environment
- akvopedia - sustainability portal
- 100r - computing and sustainability - highly recommended article
- solar energy re100 - introduction to renewable energy
- solarpunk links - skyhold's list of solarpunk resources
- diome - technology for a regenerative society
- netknots - huge collection of step by step knot tying illustrations
- linux journey - best introduction to linux for beginners
- - command-line interface tools
- vim.rtorr - vim cheat sheet