Hi, I'm Dima! Welcome to my web space! I like making weird noises and (recently) visuals, usually under the alias plantay. On this website, you can find mostly info that I'm passionate about: small web, experimental audio (modular, Orca, M8, etc.), Linux, gym/health/lifestyle-related things, self-sufficiency, and my random thoughts.

I've been working on this website since early 2024 to document my explorations and thoughts, with changing consistency, and since then, it has become one of my favorite things to do. If you want the best therapeutic experience, create a website yourself!

There aren't so many interesting things yet, but you can start by reading about this website, checking out people and communities that inspired and influenced me while working on this site, or maybe reading any of my blog posts. To change the theme, press the big circle in the side panel!

If you find any mistakes or broken links, please let me know! And feel free to write me a few words - I like chatting via mail to practice my English skills and meet new people. :)

email : plantay@proton.me


Recent Posts:

2025-01-12 - 📅 Weeknote - 25W02

Lately, I've been noticing more and more that everything in life happens exactly when it’s supposed to. Very often, I come across a topic that interests me, but I pass it by. And every time, I return to it precisely when all the circumstances align in the most suitable combination.

This mostly applies to learning since you gradually accumulate knowledge and experience in different areas. After that, it feels like a "new level" unlocks, and what once seemed incredibly difficult now feels almost obvious and always logical. And the best part is that all the knowledge from different areas connects!


2025-01-07 - 🧠 ISTP Notes

Over the past few months, I’ve been reading a lot about Jungian types, MBTI, and socionics. Normally, I’m quite skeptical about typologies that divide people into rigid categories - I feel that these are dangerous generalizations. However, in this case, MBTI has helped me better understand myself, recognize behavioral patterns, and draw some interesting conclusions.


2025-01-05 - 📅 Weeknote - 25W01

Last year, I noticed that many people I follow online have a weeknotes section, and I spent a lot of time considering starting one myself but wasn’t sure how to approach it.

What finally convinced me was an example from Zak. So far, this format seems like the best fit for my situation. The thing is, I have a small set of routines that I try to track closely, and I think weeknotes could help me better observe my progress from an outside perspective and possibly identify patterns in my behavior.